We think the team at the Aerobie office was looking at their award-winning Aeropress and wondering, "Hmm. What if the AeroPress...had a mini-me?"
Because that's pretty much exactly what the AeroPress GO is all about. With a couple of tweaks thrown in to make it more suited to home espresso-like brewing.
If the AeroPress was light, compact and portable, the AeroPress GO is lighter, compact-er and portable-er. Yes, we just made up those words. Deal with it.
Being small isn't its only superpower. The Go also comes with a super dope foldable stirrer and a cool little box that can hold up to 15-20 filters and snaps shut! The kit now also comes with a plastic mug and a rubber lid that you can brew your coffee into and then use it to house the entire kit into one neat storage unit.
If AeroPress was looking to make something that was on point for travelling, camping or just be easier to be outdoors and drink cafe level coffee - they nailed it!
AeroPress GO Dimensions: 3.7 x 3.7 x 5.3 inches
AeroPress GO Contains:
AeroPress Plunger
- Chamber
- Lid
Foldable Stirrer
350 microfilters discs
- Filter Holder
- Mug
- Rubber Lid